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Título : Trajectory Stability in the Traveling Salesman Problem
Autor: Sánchez, Sergio
Otros autores : Cocho, Germinal
Flores, Jorge
Gershenson, Carlos
Iñiguez González, Gerardo
Pineda, Carlos
En: Complexity (1076-2787), Vol. 2018, Article number: 2826082, 8 pages, (2018)
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Editorial : Hindawi
Abstract : Two generalizations of the traveling salesman problem in which sites change their position in time are presented. The way the rank of different trajectory lengths changes in time is studied using the rank diversity. We analyze the statistical properties of rank distributions and rank dynamics and give evidence that the shortest and longest trajectories are more predictable and robust to change, that is, more stable.
Area del conocimiento : Ciencias Físico Matemáticas y Ciencias de la Tierra
Palabras clave en inglés : Trajectory Stability
Rank Dynamics
Fecha de publicación : 16-abr-2018
Idioma: Inglés
Lugar: Estados Unidos
Citación : Sánchez, S.,Cocho, G.,Flores, J.,Gershenson, C.,Iñiguez, G.,Pineda, C.,Trajectory Stability in the Traveling Salesman Problem, Complexity, Vol. (2018), 2826082, 8 pages, doi:10.1155/2018/2826082
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos

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